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Blaga Dimitrova

Blaga Nikolova Dimitrova is a Bulgarian writer, literary critic and politic, born in Biala Slatina (Northwestern Bulgaria) on January 2, 1922. She graduated from the High Classic School in Sofia (1941) and Slavonic Philology at the Sofia University. For many years she worked as an editor in different papers, magazines, editions. She also worked as interpreter and had a great social work, she also made anthologies. Blaga Dimitrova had an active political activity – a Member of Parliament in the ХХХVI Common General Assembly, vice-president of the Republic of Bulgaria (1991-1993). Her first novel “Patuvane kam sebe si” (A Travel to Yourself) is one of her best works, along with “Otklonenie” (Diversion), “Starshniat sad” (Judgment Day), “Lavina” (Avalanche), and “Litse” (Face), which was forbidden during the totalitarian regime. In 1987 she participated in the establishment of the Literary-artistic club of the 39. Her novel Avalanche was filmed in 1981, and in 2003 the first volume of her works was published. Between 1987 and 1989 she was forbidden to publish her works because of her dissident views and activity. Blaga Dimitrova was appreciated her work by receiving a number of Bulgarian and international literal awards, including the Stara Planina (Balkan Mountain) medal of first class. Blaga Dimitrova died on May 2, 2003.

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