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Geo Milev

Georgi Milyov was born on January 15, 1895 in Radnevo (Stara Zagora district) in teachers’ family. Even in the childhood he was interested in the literature and arts. In 1927 his first poem was printed in the children’s newspaper Slaveiche (Nightingale). As a student in the Stara Zagora high school he published manuscript newspapers, made collections decorated by himself, wrote humorous, patriotic and intimate rhymes, signed by Geo Milev, Geo Kasabbov, Georgi Milich, Geo Milich. His student’s poems were influenced by the work of P.P.Slaveikov, whom Geo Milev considered as a tutor in the poetry and aesthetics. He also translated poems from Russian. Later he studied Philology in the Sofia University and then continued his education in Leipzig. In December 1913 his first works were published in the magazine Listopad (Fall of the Leafs). In July 1914, after the First World War began, he left for London where get acquainted with the English literature and studied English. He came back to Germany to continue studying but there he was suspected to be an England’s spy. He was arrested in Hamburg by the German police but as there were no evidences he was freed. In 1915-1916, together with N.Ikomomov he organized in Stara Zagora a theater group, which had a few performances. In March 1916 he was called to serve his military service in the School for Reserve Officers in Kniazhevo. Being a senior sergeant he was sent in 34th Troayn regiment, placed near Doiran, fighting against English and Italian. He was appointed commander of the reconnaissance detachment in the town. On April 29, 1917 his position was discovered by the English and gun fired. Milev was badly injured in the skull and lost his right eye. After several operations abroad and returning to Sofia, Geo Milev started publishing the Vezni (Scales) magazine (1919-1922), which became a tribune of the symbolism and expressionism in Bulgaria. In 1924 the Plamak (Flame) magazine came off the press. There Geo Milev published his poem Septemvri (September), because oh which the magazine was confiscated, and Milev brought to court. In January 1925 the magazine is banned. On May 14,1925 Geo Milev was sentenced to one year’s imprisonment, a fine of 20,000 leva and deprived of civil and political rights for 2 years. He decided to appeal the sentence in the Court of Appeal, but on May 15 he was arrested by the police and vanished. He was murdered and buried in a common grave.

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