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Biosphere resort Chuprene

Chuprene (north-east Bulgaria) is the name of one of the biggest biosphere resorts in Bulgaria. The biosphere resorts are strictly protected areas with unique animal and plant life that serve as a standard of the primary state of the eco-system. It is the basis for estimation of the human impact over the nature. Chuprene is situated on the crest and the north-east slopes of Chiprovska Mountain, West Balkan Mountain. It was declared resort in 1973 in order to protect the north coniferous woods of Bulgaria. The forest plantation occupy nearly 90 per cent of the territory of the resort. Part of the woods are spruce-fir-tree and beech-spruce-fir-tree. The spruce plants are the most, forming woods more than a century old. The are of great importance for exploring the spruce woods in Bulgaria. There is highly varied animal life, as the wolf is permanent inhabitant. Recently carried out terrain researches show that there are 170 feathery species, 53 species of mammals, 14 of which bats, 11 species of amphibians and 15 species of reptiles. In the Red Book of Bulgaria are: the otter, the marten, the wolf as well as all other kinds of bats.

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Bulgarian Issue: 32735, English Issue: 3317

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