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St. Paul's Day

The church celebrates the day of St. Paul on June 29 (the day of St. Peter and St. Paul), but traditionally people celebrate the two saints on two separate days, therefore St. Paul’s day is marked on the day after St. Peter’s day, e.g. June 30. Apostle Paul’s name means “small” in translation. He was a Jew from the town of Tarsus in Minor Asia. He grew up well educated, but did not demonstrate any inclination to Christianity. On the contrary – he even persecuted Christians.Once, on his way to Damask, where he had headed to persecute Christians, he saw a bright star and heard a voice: “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?” he was so scared by this divine radiance, that all he could do was to ask: “Oh, God, what do You want me to do?”. He arrived in Damask and he was not able to see for three days. But when he did what Jesus had told him to, he retrieved his vision and started preaching the Christian belief among all people. He traveled in many countries – Cyprus, Macedonia, Spain. He died as a martyr on June 29, year 67, together with the holly apostle Peter. His death is said to have been accompanied by many miracles. One legend says that the head of the Saint continued to praise God even after it had been cut, and the place, where it had fallen, became the source of three springs. Nowadays, the monastery Three fountains in Rome is located on this place. On this day, all people, called Pavel (Paul in Bulgarian), Pavlina, Apostol (Apostle), celebrate their name days.

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