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St. Cyril Philosopher

St. Cyril, together with his brother Methodius, is the creator of the Glagolitic alphabet. He is canonised by the Orthodox and the Catholic Church as a saint and an Apostle. On December 30, 1980, Pope John Paul II declared Cyril and his brother Methodius co- patrons of Europe. Orthodox Christians revere him as one of the Seven Saints. He was born 827 in Thessaloniki, Byzantium. He studied at the Magnaur school where children are educated by the Emperor and highest Byzantine aristocracy. After completing the Magnaur school, he was ordained a deacon and subdeacon, and he entrusted the Patriarchal Library in the Cathedral St. Sofia (Constantinople). They were assigned various missions. In the monastery of Olympus together with his brother Methodius they created the Slavic alphabet and translated the holy books of the Orthodox Church. In 863 at the request of Prince Rostislav Cyril and Methodius went in Great Moravia to resist the German church and spiritual influence. After completing their mission, passing through Pannonia, they introduce the Slavonic liturgy and train 50 students. At a Spiritual festival in Venice Cyril protects the right of every nation of literature and serving in their own language. Invited by the Pope, the brothers arrived in Rome (end of 867), where Pope Adrian II approves the Slavic liturgical books and liturgy and ordains priests and deacons. Shortly before his death, he accepts "the great monastic Schema" named Cyril, which remains as a saint in the Orthodox and Roman Catholic Church. Cyril dies in Rome on 14 February 869, he was buried in the crypt of the Basilica of San Clemente in Rome.

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