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Dragan Tsankov (1828-1911)

Dragan Tsankov is a Bulgarian politician, honorary member of the Bulgarian Literary Society. Born on November 9, 1828 in the town of Svishtov. At the end of 1856 he created and became the first president of the "Municipality of Bulgarian literature" which is considered the precursor of the Bulgarian Literary Society instituted in 1869 in Braila. After the liberation of Bulgaria from Ottoman yoke, Dragan Tsankov is one of the leaders of the Liberal party in the Constituent Assembly in 1879. He was a bright supporter of constitutionalism and russophilia. The three national ideals for him are the faith, Slavdom led by Russia and constitutionalism. He is the third Prime Minister of Bulgaria, performed this office from April 7 to December 10, 1880, and the eighth Prime Minister of Bulgaria from September 19, 1883 to July 11, 1884. He was a MP in the Constituent, I Great National Assembly (1879) and I (1879), II (1880-1881), IV (1884-1886), X (1899-1900), XI (1901) and XII (1902-1903) Ordinary National Assemblies. He was chairman of the XII National Assembly in the period April 22, 1902 - August 21, 1903. Tsankov died on March 11, 1911 (at 82) In Sofia. (Photo:

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