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The first railway line in Bulgaria

In 1861 was issued a sultan screed to build the first railway line in Bulgaria between Ruse and Varna. The construction was entrusted to the British company Barclay Brothers, which received a concession for 99 years and the work started on May 21, 1864. The first sod was turned by the Ruse governor Arif Pasha. The project was prepared by Eng. Henry Barkley and often the building material was the stones from previously well-preserved ancient Bulgarian capitals of Pliska and Preslav. The construction of the railway line Ruse-Varna started by both endpoints (Ruse and Varna) and included eight stations: Chervena Voda, Ruse, Razgrad, Yasenovets, Kamenyak, Kaspichan, Provadia and Beloslav. Two small Belgian locomotives were used in each of the two parts of the construction and 80 coaches to transport workers and materials and on the unmade part of the line technical personnel and Turks supervising the construction were transported by horses. Simultaneously were constructed the receive buildings on both end stations and stops along the route.

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Bulgarian Issue: 32735, English Issue: 3317

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