Kostenets |
The town of Kostenets is situated in the foot of Rila Mountain, 63 km southeast of Sofia. The altitude of the town is between 650 m in the north part and 725 in the south. According to the legend the name Kostenets came from the bones, covering the whole field after the countless battles in the region (kost - bone). It is the first populated place in the area of today’s Municipality Kostenets. During the archeological excavations on the heights, west of the town, the remains of a medieval fortress and an ancient Christian basilica from the V century were found. A lot of old vessels for water and food and Roman and Old Bulgarian coins were found as well. A typical craft for the townis the cutlery. The local cutler’s workshops supplied with weapons the whole region during the April uprisings in 1876. Today Kostenets is well-known with its thermal springs with temperature of 46-73°C and a capacity of 12 litres per second. Another one of the sights is the beautiful Kostenski waterfall, 3 km south of the town.