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Andrey Chaprazov

Andrey Mihailov Chaprazov is a prominent Bulgarian theater and movie actor. He was born on February 16, 1920 in the town of Oryahovo. He studied Law, then graduated in Music at the State Academy of Music, and Theater Acting. He formed and managed the first soldiers’ amateur ensemble of the arts and the theater amateur art activities. In 1966-1967 he was the director of the Theater of Poetry and Variety. Moving into the People’s Theater Ivan Vazov he became one of its pillars as late as he retired. Some of his unforgettable drama roles are in Don Carlos, Romeo and Juliet, King Lear, Cyrano de Bergerac, Nora, This Small Land, Hashove (Exiles), Promise Me Bright Past, and etc. Andrey Chaprazov has over 5,000 records in the Radio Theater and is the doubtless creator of this genre in Bulgaria. He also recorded a number of poetical compositions. He took part in TV productions since the establishment of the TV (1959). TV Theater remembers his plays in Prez edna dajdovna esen (In One Rainy Autumn) - 1963, Semeystvo Kalinkovi (Kalinkov Family) - 1968, Na zhivot i smart (Life or Death) - 1974, Umiray samo v kraen sluchay (Dying in the Worst) - 1978, Otrova v izvora (Poison in the Spring) - 1978), Tazi malka zemya (This Small Land) - 1978, Spirka 'Berlin' ('Berlin' Station) - 1982, Bronzoviyat klyuch (The Bronze Key) - 1984, Konstantin filosof (Constantine the Philosopher) - 1986, Priznavam vsichko (I Confess Everything) - 1989, etc. Andrey Chaprazov died in Sofia on August 23, 1999.

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Bulgarian Issue: 32709, English Issue: 3315

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