Bogomil Rainov |
Bogomil Nikolaev Rainov was born in Sofia on June 19, 1919. His name is related to some master pieces of Bulgarian literature and movies - "The Inspector and the Night” (Inspektorat i noshta)- 1963, "The White Romm” (Byalata staya) - 1968, "Mister Nobody" (Gospodin nikoi) - 1969, " There's Nothing Finer Than The Bad Weather " (Nyama nishto po-hubavo ot loshtoto vreme) - 1971, "The Big Boredom” (Golyamata Skuka) - 1973, "A Naiv Person at Middle-Age" (Edin naivnik na sredna vazrast) - 1976, "A Requiem for a Lewd Woman" (Rekviem za edna mrasnitsa) - 1976, "Typhoons with Delicate Names" (Taifuni s nezhni imena) – 1979 and so on. His scientific interests in the spheres of the esthetics, science of arts, and philosophy gave the birth to the works “Eros and Thanatos” и “The Secret Doctrine”. His latest books were in the memoir field “In the Name of the Father” (V imeto na Otsa) and “Diana” and they became the symbol of one contradictory age in the Bulgarian history. He passed away on June 8, 2007.