Chiflik |
The resort village Chiflik is situated at the most upper course of the
Beli Osam River, at the altitude of 750 m, at the foot of Middle Balkan,
at the territory of Troyan Municipality. It raises some 160 km
northeastern from Sofia, and 15 km southwestern from Troyan. The
nature here is extraordinary beautiful, with alpine character. Some
natural phenomena, part of the Central Balkan National Park are
situated here. The winter here is mild, and the summer – cool, and the
air – crystal clear. Close to the village of Chiflik, there is a thermal
spring with hot water of 52°C, having quite valuable healing qualities.
By structure, it resembles the mineral water of the springs in Gorna
Bania, Bankia, Hissar, Momina Cheshma, and Varshets, and may be
used for healing a number of diseases.