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Vezhdi Rashidov’s Birth

Vezhdi Rashidov is famous Bulgarian sculptor. He was born on December 14, 1951 in Dimitrovgrad. His mother was famous singer in Turkish and Bulgarian language with lots of records. His father was a miner in Burieva, near Madan. Vezhdi Rashidov has graduated the Art Academy in 1978. He has done numerous exhibitions all over the world. Vezhdi Rashidov is member of the International Art Association (AIAL) at UNESCO, of the European Art Academy in Paris, of the Paris Autumn salon; an honorary citizen of Kardzhaly and Dulovo. His sculptures could be found in the national galleries and museums in Moscow, Koln, Erevan, Paris, Canada, Ankara, Tokyo, in many private collections, including the collection of the Japan Emperor. Vezhdi Rashidov is not only a sculptor of international popularity. Vezhdi Rashidov is a man of restless citizen consciousness, very impulsive and he hardly keeps control not to say what he thinks. His intolerance towards injustice, hypocrisy, political quackery is well known from his publications in the press and from his appearances on radio and TV stations.

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Bulgarian Issue: 32709, English Issue: 3315

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