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95 years since the birth of the artist Donyo Donev

Donio Donev is born on 27 June, 1929 in Berkovitza. He graduated Graphic design at The Academy of Fine Arts in 1954. In 1959 he specializes in Soiuzmultfilm in Moscow, Russia. His first cartoon as an artist is Gruh and Grushka (1957). With the cartoon Duet in 1961 he made a debut as an artist and director. For his work at Duet he is awarded at cinematography festivals in Varna (1962) and Wien (1964). In 1998 he also participates as an actor in the movie “Wagner”. Donio Donev worked as a caricaturist in “Vecherni Novini” /Evening News/ newspaper (1954 - 1956), as an artist and director at the cartoon faculty at СИФ (1956- 1970) and at the Cartoons Union “Sofia” (1970 - 1993) where he is also a director of an union of artists. Donio Donev is the “father” of the emblematic “The Three Fools” who are created in 1970 and since then they participate in many cartoons as different characters. He won 14 big awards for his creative work. Donev passed away 78-years old on November 28, 2007.

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Bulgarian Issue: 33328, English Issue: 3443

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