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The Feast of St. Andrew the First-Called

On November 30 the Bulgarian Orthodox Church celebrates the day of the holy apostle Andrew the First-Called. He was a fisherman, one of the twelve apostles, brother of St. Peter, who preached the Christian belief among the people living in the Balkan and Black Sea coastal regions. The legend tells he was the first of the apostles to follow Christ, hence the First-Called. He was crucified in the Greek city of Patra. His cross, which was shaped like an X, is known in iconography and Medieval art as “St. Andrew’s Cross”. Bulgarian people believe that on the day of St. Andrew’s feast, the day begins to grow. Therefore, St. Andrew is believed to “drive away winter and long nights”. The Bulgarians living to the north of the Balkan Mountains believe that once St. Andrew lived alone in the mountain. There he tilled a small field. One day a bear came and ate his ox. Infuriated, St. Andrew caught the bear and put it into harness. Since then he straddled the bear and tilled his land with its help. Hence the Saint is known as Lord of the bears and November 30 is also known as Bears’ day.

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Bulgarian Issue: 33328, English Issue: 3443

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