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Persina Park

Near the town of Belene the biggest group of islands in the Bulgarian section of the Danube River is located. The largest of the 14 islands is Persin (Belene) - 42 sq. km. Persina Park spreads on 22,000 hectares. It was declared preserved park in 2000, as it includes the Belene complex, Svishtov-Belene Danube-side valley, and the shore of Nikopol and Svishtov. Persina is the home of plenty of rare in national and world aspect plants and animals. Because of over 100 species of birds that have been described here the region is recognized as an ornithological place of European importance. The largest flights of herons are found here. The Park’s woods are planted mainly with different species of willows. Danube waters and the island swamps shelter lots of rare and endangered fish. Persina includes the preserves Kitka and Milka. The small islet Kitka has kept its virgin natural woods of poplars and willows inhabited by the extremely rare and worldly endangered White-tailed Eagle (Sea eagle).


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Bulgarian Issue: 33236, English Issue: 3442

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