Vratza Public Holiday |
Vratza is a regional center and the biggest town in northwestern Bulgaria. Through the centuries, it was inhabited by Thraces, Romans, Slavs, who left rich material and spiritual proofs of their living and culture – the Rogozen Treasure, which consists of 165 silver vessels, the golden wreath of a Thracian princess and golden kneepad of a Thracian warrior from the Mogilanska Mound in Vratza, the findings in the village of Galiche, Bukyovtzi and the Augusta fortress, the clay tiles with the oldest letters in history, found near Krivodol. Vratza is famous for its amazing nature – majestic rocks, gorges, infinite plains, cut down by rivers and lakes. From the highest summit – Belchinska Mogila (1482 m) near Parshevitza hut, through the unique Ledenika cave and the picturesque Vratitza gorge – this is the natural park Vratchanski Balkan. The holiday of the town – June 1, is related to the feat of one of the most famous Bulgarian revolutionaries – Hristo Botev and his detachment during the fights of the Bulgarians for their liberation from the Ottoman yoke. The holiday is a part of the Botev Days, traditionally organized in Vratza between May 24 and June 2.