Mezek Thracian Tomb |
The Mezek Thracian tomb is situated about 10 km away from the town
of Svilengrad. It is considered to be the biggest and one of the most
interesting and impressive beehive tombs of Mycenaean type in
Thrace. It is dated back to IV century B.C. It is fully preserved in its
original mode. The tomb is known for its distinctive architecture – it
consists of one round and two rectangular chambers. Many unique
objects made of gold, bronze, iron, glass and ceramics have been
found inside of it. Scientists believe that the tomb most probably
belonged to a local ruler. One of the most interesting findings in it is a
bronze statue of a wild boar, dated back to the middle of the second
half of IV century B.C. The statue is in natural size and the coat of the
boar is depicted through sheaves shaped like flames, exactly the way
they are depicted on one of the jugs from the famous Rogozen