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St. Sofronii Vrachanski

Sofronii Vrachanski is the second key figure in Bulgaria’s early National Revival after Paisii Hilendarski. He is the last Bulgarian saint, canonized by the Holly Synod in 1964. He was born in Kotel in 1739. He studied in his home town’s monastery school, and in 1762 was ordained as priest. He met Paisii Hilendarski and made two transcripts of the Slav-Bulgarian History , a key text in the awakening of Bulgarian national consciousness. On two occasions, he visited Sveta Gora. In 1792 he left Kotel, after two confrontations with the local notables. He served in the Anhial eparchy, and in 1794, he was ordained as the bishop of Vratza under the name Sofronii (his real name was Stoiko Vladislavov). Besides his ecclesiastic doings, he was also involved in active public activities. He compiled the so-called Vidin Collections (1802), as well as a number of other medleys of religious and moral character; he set the beginning of the new Bulgarian printed book – Nedelnik (1806). His biggest contribution to the development of the new Bulgarian literature, however, is his autobiographic short novel “The Life and Suffering of the Sinner Sofronii”. He died in Bucharest in 1813.

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