Biosphere Reserve Tzaritchina |
Tzaritchina is a part of the global network of biosphere reserves. It is located near the village of Ribaritza, which is the most southern and most picturesque village in the Teteven municipality. The name of the reserve is connected with a very interesting legend, telling the story of the king’s daughter Tamara, who was cured from an insidious disease through the magical power of the fiery-red Geum flower, which is called “Tzaritchina” by the local residents. Besides this amazingly beautiful flower, many other interesting and rare plant species could be found in the reserve, including the only clearly differentiated finding of white fir in the Middle part of the Stara Planina mountain. This tree species could only be found on the Balkan peninsula, and the finding in Tzaritchina is its farthest north finding in the whole world. Tzaritchina’s high rocks and difficult areas have preserved more than 600 plant species, 93 of which are considered endangered and have been included in Bulgaria’s Red Book. Among them are the impressive Vitosha tulip, daffodil-leaved anemone, the wood-nymph tulip, etc. The most distinctive animal species, which inhabit the reserve, are the brown bear, the wolf, the red deer, as well as the wild goats and otter.