July 17 – day of St. Marina |
St. Marina’s Christian holiday is officially celebrated on July 17. She is one of the first female martyrs of faith, canonized as saints. According to the legend, Marina was born in III century in Antohia Pisidiiska, in the family of a pagan priest. She was brought up in a time, when idols were worshipped, and Christians were severely pursued. When she was 12, for the first time she heard the name of Jesus Christ and her heart was filled with love for him. Once, when she was already grown up, she met the ruler Olivrius and told him she was a Christian. Her extraordinary beauty struck the ruler, who immediately asked her to become his wife. She refused and was put in chains and brought before the court. In prison, Marina unexpectedly saw the Radiant Cross above her, and when the next day stood before court again, everyone was amazed to see her deep wounds from the previous day completely healed. She suffered many tortures, but was firm and didn’t stop praying to God for one thing only – to be able to go through the water of the Wholly Baptism. The ruler ordered to drown her in a cask of water, with her hands and feet tied. When Marina was thrown into the water, she started praying again, asking God to tear the chains and to make the water her wholly baptism. The miracle happened, and Marina herself was surrounded by extraordinary light. Nevertheless, she was sentenced to death, and her sentence was executed on July 17 – the day, when all Christians celebrate her memory. This day is highly esteemed in Bulgaria’s Southern Black Sea coastal area. It is the official holiday of Sozopol, which protector is St. Marina.