Yagodinska cave |
The research of the Yagodinska cave began in 1963 as 8500 meters were examined. During the years 1982-1986 second mapping was carried out and new galleries were found as its length reached 10500 meters. The age of the cave is estimated at 275 000 years. At the beginning of the cave, right after its natural entrance, an ancient home – the only one in Europe kept in its natural form, was found. They found in it pottery, tools, ceramic oven, mills and others. The remains were dated to the Stone-Copper Age, around the IV millennium BC. The Yagodinska cave is the third in length in
Bulgaria and the longest in the Rhodope Mountains. It has three
main levels and two intermediate. The third level is developed in
1971-1982 as a tourist route with a length of 1100 meters. There are
22 types of cave formations in the cave from the 28 world-known.
You can see in it stalactites, stalagmite, stalactones, cave lakes,
leopard skin, draperies and one of the most unique formations -
cave pearls. Fauna is represented by different types of bats, cave
grasshoppers, spiders, troglobionts and others and flora - lichens,
mosses, molds and fungi. The temperature in the Yagodinska cave
is permanent and during the whole year is 6 degrees centigrade.