На 31 октомври, четвъртък, от 14:00 ч. в БСК ще се
проведе бизнес среща с фирми от Босна и Херцеговина. Официален език – английски.
Списък на фирмите от БиХ Регистрация на българските участници
1. UNIS, Associated metal industry, Mr. Esad Luckin, Manager
2. UNIS SKL, Manufacture of special structures of bearings, Mr. Dragan
Mar?eta, Manager – Bulgarian partners: dealers of bearings and raw materials
for bearings
3. UNIS UTL, Manufacture of bearings, gears, gearing and driving elements,
tools and machine tools, Mr. Aleksa Bratic, Manager - Bulgarian partners:
dealers of bearings and raw materials for bearings
4. SIPAD KOMERC, Wholesale and retail trade of food and non-food products;
Engineering in the field of equipping and construction of buildings for
various purposes, Mr. Hamza Kazazic, General Manager and Mr. Teufik Sehic,
Marketing Manager - Bulgarian partners: companies – trade, building and
5. UNIS – FAGAS, Projecting, manufacturing and mounting of equipment
and devices for gas regulation and measuring, Mr. Senadin Mulabegovi?,
Marketing Manager
6. 2 NV MARKETING, Wholesale of consumer goods, Mr. Nedim Vrazalica,
Manager, Mr. Muris Omerhod?i?, assistant, -Bulgarian partners: grower of
seedling of nuts, producer of nuts and wholesales of nuts.
7. LISCA, Wholesale and retail trade of textile-wearing apparel, Mr.
D?evdet Ibrisimovic, Manager, Bulgarian partners: Wholesales and producer
of silk.
8. SIPAD EXPORT IMPORT, Timber export Department, Mr. Mujo Alic,- Bulgarian
partners: manufacturers of wood products and furniture. |